Masterclass Torten-Verzierkurs OSTER-Special

Oster-Special: Kreative Tortenverzierung für die perfekte Ostertorte 🐣🌸🎂
Tauche mit uns ein in die süße Welt der Tortenverzierung und gestalte mit uns deine ganz eigene Ostertorte. In diesem 3-stündigen Kurs wirst du unter fachkundiger Anleitung unserer Konditorin Laura lernen, wie du deine Torte Schritt-für-Schritt in ein echtes Ostertorten-Meisterwerk verwandelst.
Das haben wir alles vor:
Perfect buttercream:
Together we will whip up a velvety buttercream and you will learn how to make it perfect. Together we will color the buttercream in the colors of your choice.
Coating technique:
We use already filled cakes to practise the spreading technique so that the base of your cake looks nice and smooth and professional.
Spritztechnik und Dekoration:
Mit Hilfe einer speziellen Spritztülle lernst du kleine Osternester zu gestalten, die anschließend mit leckeren Trüffel- und Marzipaneiern befüllt werden. Mit einer bunten Auswahl an Happy Sprinkles-Produkten kannst du deine Ostertorte ganz nach deinem Geschmack weiter verzieren.
And the best part?
Am Ende nimmst du deine liebevoll gestaltete Ostertorte in einer Box mit nach Hause - perfekt für das Osterfest und dem gemeinsamen Genießen zusammen mit Deinen Liebsten 🐣🌸🎂.
What you can expect
What you will learn
What it all involves

Lovingly designed
Our workshops for you

Making memories! 💫
Tailor-made moments for you & your loved ones
Is your next private event such as a birthday party or JGA coming up? Or are you looking for a great team or company event?
Together you will conjure up beautiful cupcake works of art that not only look fantastic, but above all taste unforgettable in your special group.
Individual request?All baking workshops at a glance
How beautiful!
Thank you for your feedback!
First feedback after our test workshops - mega exciting!
Silke B.
"Super cute"
What a super sweet event - in the truest sense of the word ✨
Sugar-sweet Sprinkles, cupcakes and how the kids were allowed to try out and decorate everything - mega cute. Thank you!
Paula K.
"So much attention to detail"
This course was led and carried out with a lot of passion, dedication and attention to detail. It was a lot of fun 🩷
Hanna B.
"Laughed sooo much"
We went to cupcake night with my friends and it was so much fun!
We tried everything - all the colors, Sprinkles, tried everything and just had a lot of fun. We would do it again and again! Thank you 🧁
Katie K.
"Not sooo difficult..."
Oh, if I had known that decorating pretty cupcakes wasn't that difficult, I would have done it much sooner 😅 Thanks for all the little tricks & ideas!