October is pink!
As part of Breast Cancer Awareness Month , we are donating 20% of the proceeds from this charity pink collection to Pink Ribbon Germany today.
Pink Ribbon Germany is committed to raising awareness of breast cancer and improving the chances of early detection. You can find more information about early detection and Pink Ribbon below.
85 Produkte
Feel instead of look away - early breast cancer detection can save lives!
Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women, with every 8th woman in Germany developing breast cancer in her lifetime. Although there are various risk factors such as smoking, alcohol consumption or genetic predisposition, it is often not clear why a woman develops breast cancer. The rule is: the earlier it is detected, the better the chances of cure and survival; the chance of survival after 10 years is 82%. Early detection is therefore the be-all and end-all.
We would like to call on each and every one of you to inform yourselves and deal with the topic. You can find all the facts about early detection, tips on self-monitoring, support services for relatives and much more at Pink Ribbon Germany at pinkribbon-deutschland.de.
To do our bit, we donate 20% of sales from this category to Pink Ribbon Germany and include information material with every order.
Take care of yourselves, stay healthy, take precautions and inform yourselves and your friends about breast cancer!